
Sunday, 22 February 2015

Bad Habits

As much I love all things beauty related I still have some terrible habits I cant seem to break, I thought I see if anyone else does these naughty things, hopefully i'm not the only one.

  • Spending to much time in the sun, and not using a high enough factor sun cream. I love a tan like most people. But we all know how bad it is for your skin and the risks but I find it hard to resist a good sunbathing session.

  • Picking off my mascara, I have endless amounts of eye make up remover but I still find my self picking off my mascara in the evenings, I don't even know i'm doing it until I realize I've lost a few lashes!

  • Not throwing away make-up as often as I should, I cant be the only one who can't throw away products that have cost a small fortune.

  • Using to much heat on my hair and not protecting it. I know its bad but I love styling my hair differently everyday and that involves using a lot of heat, I need to get in the habit of using a heat protector and hopefully that will save my fried split ends.

  • Cleaning my make up brushes, or should I say not cleaning them. Its just boring and time consuming, who wants to spend hours washing brushes?

These are just a few of my bad habits can you relate to any of them?

Thanks for reading xx


  1. I'm pretty sure I'm guilty of all of these things! Great post xx
    elly from alldeathbydiamonds

    1. I'm not the only one! Thank you, Love your blog, your style is amazing!


  2. I'm aware that this is my second comment on one of your posts in the same hour but I'm loving this one! Not wearing a high enough factor is definitely one of my bad habits, and picking off mascara just feels too good haha! cottonandcandie xx

  3. Ahhh I love comments! Yes I know its bad but I always think i'll tan more if I just use a bit of a lower one! Exactly why use eye make up remover when you can pick it off! Terrible :) xx
