
Friday, 30 January 2015

The Versatile Award

I have been nominated by the ever so lovely Ana from
I can't believe that this is the second award nomination I've had this month, I think they are brilliant ideas I've found so many new blogs through them.

This is how it works...

- Thank the person who gave you this award, and leave a link to their blog.

- Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

- Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you've recently discovered or follow regularly.

- Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.

Here are my 7 facts...

1. I have had about 10 piercings over the past few years although I only wear a few of them  now.

2. I am a vegetarian.

3. I really don't enjoy watching films or going to the cinema I get bored easily and always switch off after about an hour.

4. I hated school and couldn't wait to leave, a lot of people say they would love to go back for a day but I can't think of anything worse.

5. I studied make-up for 2 years and am a fully qualified make-up artist.

6. I'm constantly cold, it could be the middle of summer but I would still have to have a jumper on.

7. I am a massive animal person if I could I would take home every animal I saw.


  1. Hey Sophie, loved reading this post. It's nice to learn more about you.. I was moaning today about how cold my hands are haha! I'm always cold! Ana xx
