
Wednesday 17 January 2018

New Year - New Me

Good evening, how has everyone been? As you can see I have been pretty MIA from the blogging world over the last few years (literally - years!!). I read back over a few of my posts and actually cringed a little bit at how poor my writing was - although its lovely to recognise growth within myself, I find thats something most people struggle to do see. Even though I haven't been writing I haven't stopped reading.

This year i have promised myself i will be true to myself and not worry about what other people think  of me or my opinions and just say yes more - cliché, i know.

 I hope some of you are still interested in what i have to say and will stick around for the journey.

Im now 23 and have moved out of my childhood home so a lot has changed and a lot of growing up has been done, I'm looking forward to writing about things that are important to me. I'm fed up of seeing 'perfect' Instagram accounts, blogs and youtube videos. Im hoping to cut the bullshit and keep things real. Ups, downs and everything in-between.

 Look forward to getting to know some of you.

Thanks for reading - let me know what your goals are for this year.

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